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For Individuals
1-1 results coaching

You will gain clarity, you will become aware of all you’re capable of, all the possibilities that lay before you, your will get a confidence boost and will understand what to do to move forward with your goals.

1-1 RESULTS-Coaching

Do you sometime feel stuck in a seemingly hopeless situation? Is there a theme in your life that you finally want to solve or redesign? Do you want to find new direction in your professional life? This might be the right moment to look for a Coach and start an exciting experience of growth and renewal.


When do I need RESULTS-Coaching?


RESULTS-Coaching individual meetings are useful:


  • for those who want to face change and overcome obstacles

  • for those who are faced with important decisions

  • for those who have a project to implement or a goal to achieve and want to find the most effective strategy

  • for those who want to enrich their point of view on a situation by regularly interfacing with a neutral expert.


Your advantages

  • You will gaine clarity and awareness of your skills and abilities.

  • You will find the necessary resources to identify the best solutions to your issues.

  • You will increase your personal and professional potential.

  • You will get the energy and confidence to pursue your goals with a clear action plan.

Your investment


Individual RESULTS-Coaching = 150 EUR

(60 minutes)




Free intro call (30 min)


Package 1:

4 hours (advance package price) = 600 EUR


Package  2:

8 hours (advance package price) = 1.000 EUR


Package 3:

12 hours (advance package price) = 1.600 EUR



These packages can be called-up within 6 months. You get the special price by advance payment.

For Organisations


Your advantages


In these in-house seminars your people learn to communicate more effectively and consciously, both within the organization and to external customers and stakeholders. Improved communication means more efficient working time management (e.g. more effective meetings) and preventing conflicts and difficult situations.


Your investment


1 day seminar = 1.800 EUR

2 days seminar = 3.200 EUR

3 days seminar = 4.800 EUR

Internal Communication 
Inhouse Seminars

Effective communication and knowledge of the principles of communication is a key competence nowadays.


It allows us to set out our needs, achieve our objectives and work in harmony with others in order to achieve a fully satisfactory result.


It is no coincidence that in organizations today, we are valued and appreciated not only for our technical skills and abilities, but for our predisposition to teamwork, the ability to conduct negotiations, to exert a positive and effective influence on others.


Working on the relationship- and communication skills of the people in your company or organization is the best way to ensure sustainable and solid growth. An important, innovative and forward-looking choice.

Organisational Development

Effectiveness in your organization can be reached through organizational development. Much the same way humans grow and develop, so do organizations. To endure and be successful organizations must be able to adapt and respond to tomorrow’s challenges today. Organization development is a planned process to bring about that change, to establish and maintain a competitive edge. It is a way for organizations to improve the way they fulfill their mission.

Your advantages


Your company will run more efficiently. You will have systematic and transparent processes. You will have process descriptions. Staff will feel part of the company, they will be aware of the company’s vision and mission, they understand what their role is within the organization, they will each have a strong sense of purpose within it.


For a process of change and learning the optimal program is developed over a period of 6 months, distributed in workshops (from 8 to 12 people) and individual coaching sessions.


Your investment


3 x 1 day workshop = 1.800 x 3 = 5.400 EUR

9 x 1 individual coaching sessions = 9 x 200 = 1.800 EUR

Total EUR 7.000

Your advantages


A specific team in your company will be guided in the development of solutions and action plans for a particular challenge (e.g. strategic reorientation, management of a special project or other change processes).


The team members are specifically supported in their cooperation so that the objectives are achieved in the most effective way.


The method of work learned and the collaborative strategies activated do not exhaust their usefulness on the specific occasion: they will prove valuable in addressing other opportunities for change as well.


Contact me to discuss your individual team-needs and desired results.



I also offer TEAMBUILDING RETREATS. Please follow the link to find out more here.

Tailor-made Team Coaching

Tailor-made and geared to your team.

In order for innovations to be implemented effectively and sustainably, it is important that the team supports the changes.


The focus in working with the team is less on the analysis of weaknesses, but rather we identify competencies and resources that can be strengthened and expanded in a targeted manner.


The following topics can be expected:

  • How can you discover potentials to improve the quality of work?

  • How can you promote understanding for each other?

  • How can you bind your employees to your company and reduce fluctuation?

  • How can you improve your work results and thus increase your success?

Teambuilding Retreats
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